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Apr. 23, 2023

Openssl for SAT

For some reason this one has been hard to remember, even when the command is actually easy, so here we go: To query the certificate information, we can run these commands: # Convert the certificate format from DER to PEM. openssl x509 -inform DER -in cert_file.cer -outform PEM -out cert_file.pem # Convert the certificate format and print it to the default output. openssl x509 -inform DER -in cert_file.cer -outform PEM # Print some of the information contained in the certificate and hold # the PEM output.

Feb. 2, 2023

Mkvmerge Complex Command

It’s common to find video material (wink wink) with a large list of embeded subtitle and / or audio tracks, which on occasion are a pain in the behind for my TV set. To help it work better with these, I remove the audio or subtitle tracks that are not required. And for automate the process (for example, if there are a considerable amount of, ejem, chapters), I use some variants of the following command:

Jan. 31, 2023

Ext4 Lazy Command

I have been in the necessity of creating large file systems, and I end up using ext4 almost all the time. But in those occasions where the file system is larger than, say, 4TB, I noticed that with the default values, the file system performance was awfully low the first couple of hours after creation. After digging a little, I found out that the issue was due to a lazy initialization feature of the file system, which was very inconvenient when I was in a hurry and I needed to copy a big chunk of files in a short period of time.

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